Shabbat services this week:
Happy Thanksgiving Thursday, November 22
(My wife and I will be out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday)
Ma'ariv Services Friday evening, November 23 @ 7pm.
Shachrit Saturday morning, November 24 @ 9:30am Parshas Vayishlach / פרשת וישלח
Shabbat Services the following week:
Ma'ariv Services Friday evening, November 30 @ 7pm.
Shachrit Saturday morning, December 1 @ 9:30am Parshas Vayeshev / פרשת וישב
Sherry Reiter will be sponsoring the Kiddish on Saturday, December 1, in honor of my mother, Sylvia Richter Reiter's, Yarzheit. There will be bagels and lox.
Sunday evening 5:30pm, December 2, Chanukah: 1 Candle / חנוכה: א׳ נר
Please join us at the Murrieta Town Square for the lighting of the community menorah at 6:00pm
Monday, December 3, Hanukkah I (Holiday of lights)