-Candle Lighting Times for Shabbat (Ontario, CA)
-Office Hours
-This week's 10-Minute Torah
-Adult Torah Study
-Judaic Studies
-This week's Upcoming Shabbat services & replay of last week's services
-Hebrew School
-Adult Hebrew Class
-Miller Course
-Tu B'Av
-Family Learning Day
-Mi Sheberach List
*Our Synagogue secretary, Bonnie Brown, has had back surgery and is recovering. Please be patient with us as we work to cover the synagogue office. Thank you for your consideration.
**For your convenience and information, Zoom links to events are provided in their respective notices. Please note that only members associated with Temple Sholom of Ontario are receiving these links in this format
***We are updating our Mi Sheberach מי שברך list for those in need of healing. Please advise any changes. Thank you.
(Names are not published to respect people's privacy).
Shabbat Times for Ontario, California, USA
Tu B'Av occurs on Friday, Aug 12
Candle lighting: 7:22pm on Friday, Aug 12
Shabbat Nachamu occurs on Saturday, Aug 13
This week's Torah portion is Parashat Vaetchanan
Havdalah (50 min): 8:30pm on Saturday, Aug 13
Powered by Hebcal Shabbat Times
שבת פרשת ואתחנן
August 12 - ט״ו אב
Candle lighting 7:22
Shabbat ends 8:20
72 minutes 8:52
Office Hours this week:
Monday, August 8, 2022 9:45am - 1:45pm
Thursday, August 11, 2022 1:30pm - 7:30pm (Thursday Night Board Mtg @ 7:30pm)
Friday, July 29, 2022 2:00pm - 8:00pm (Friday Night Shabbat Ma'ariv @ 8:00pm)
Monday, August 15, 2022 9:45am - 1:45pm
Tuesday, August 16, 2022 10:00am – 2:00pm
Friday August 5, 2022 10:00am - 8:00pm (Friday Night Shabbat Ma'ariv @ 8:00pm)
(Subject to change. Please call for appointments)

Parashat Vaetchanan 5782 / פָּרָשַׁת וָאֶתְחַנַּן
13 August 2022 / 16 Av 5782
Parashat Vaetchanan is the 45th weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading.
Adult Torah Study Class
Next Session: Monday, August 8 at 7:30 pm PT

Parashat Vaetchanan 5782 / פָּרָשַׁת וָאֶתְחַנַּן
13 August 2022 / 16 Av 5782
Parashat Vaetchanan is the 45th weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading.
Torah Portion: Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11 https://tikkun.io/#/r/5-5-1
Vaetchanan (“I Pleaded”) opens as Moses describes his pleading with God to be allowed into the Land of Israel. Moses warns the Israelites not to pursue idolatry and recounts the giving of the Ten Commandments. The portion also contains the Shema, a declaration of faith and a central text in Jewish prayer. [1]
Triennial year 3
1: 5:1-18 · 18 p’sukim ·
2: 5:19-24 · 6 p’sukim ·
3: 5:25-6:3 · 12 p’sukim ·
4: 6:4-9 · 6 p’sukim ·
5: 6:10-19 · 10 p’sukim ·
6: 6:20-25 · 6 p’sukim ·
7: 7:1-11 · 11 p’sukim ·
maf: 7:9-11 · 3 p’sukim ·
Haftarah*: Isaiah 40:1-26 · 26 p’sukim *Shabbat Nachamu
Commentary and Divrei Torah Sefaria OU Torah Jewish Theological Seminary
Soncino Chumash: pp. 765 - 776 Triennial Year 3 (Full Kriyah pp. 755 - 776)
Artscroll Chumash: pp. 968 - 979 Triennial Year 3 (Full Kriyah pp. 958 - 979)
Etz Chaim Chumash: pp. 1015 - 1031 Triennial Year 3 (Full Kriyah pp. 1005 - 1031)
Shabbat Nachamu 2022 / שַׁבָּת נַחֲמוּ 5782
Shabbat after Tish’a B’Av (Shabbat of Consolation) 🕍

Shabbat Nachamu for Hebrew Year 5782 begins at sundown on Friday, 12 August 2022 and ends at nightfall on Saturday, 13 August 2022. This corresponds to Parashat Vaetchanan.
Shabbat Nachamu ("Sabbath of comfort/ing) takes its name from the haftarah from Isaiah in the Book of Isaiah 40:1-26 that speaks of "comforting" the Jewish people for their suffering. It the first of seven haftarahs of consolation leading up to the holiday of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.
Judaic Studies
Next session: Thursday, August 18 @ 7:30pm
(Judaic Studies preempted by Board meeting, August 11)

Come join us for a lively discussion of various topics on Judaica. The current topic is Pirkei Avot.
Minor Jewish holiday of love ❤️

Tu B'Av for Hebrew Year 5782 begins at sundown on Thursday, 11 August 2022 and ends at nightfall on Friday, 12 August 2022.
Tu B’Av (Hebrew: ט״ו באב, the fifteenth of the month Av) is a minor Jewish holiday. In modern-day Israel, it is celebrated as a holiday of love (חג האהבה Ḥag HaAhava). It has been said to be an auspicious day for weddings.
Upcoming Services
Shabbat Ma'ariv Service Friday, August 12, 2022 @ 8:00 pm
Shabbat Shachrit Service Saturday, August 13, 2022 @ 9:30 am
Note new time for Shacharit/Morning services!

*Note that we are now doing the Triennial reading for our Shabbat Torah services. 5782 is Triennial Year 3
**We are holding live Shabbat services back in the synagogue. We will still continue to broadcast on Zoom and Facebook for those unable to come to the sanctuary. Please call the office for more information if you'd like to attend.
8-5-2022 Erev Shabbat Devarim
Sermon @ 45:45 "What does it mean to be Jewish?"
8-6-2022 Shabbat Devarim
D'var Torah @ 1:08:43
8-7-22 Tisha B'Av service
Check for links
Hebrew School at Temple Sholom of Ontario
See you in the fall.
First Session Sunday
Second Session Sunday

Hebrew school is on summer break at Temple Sholom of Ontario. We will continue in the fall hold classes virtually on Sundays starting at 10:00am PT. There will be two sessions, 40 minutes each, with a 10 minute break in between.
Details will follow soon.
The first session will focus on Hebrew reading and prayers. We will read from the week's Torah portion using a Chumash and an online site. Besides the main prayers used in our services, we will also learn Torah and Haftarah blessings.
The second session will be a general learning session of that weekly sedrah/portion. We will also discuss notable Jewish personalities, from celebrities to prophets and kings. There will also be special topics such as gossip and evolution.
Please let us know if you'd like to join us and of course if you have any questions.
Adult Hebrew Reading Course
Sunday, August 14 10:30 am – 11:30 am

A new Hebrew Reading course from NJOP.
Also, People have been asking for more practice in Hebrew Reading. We are planning a Hebrew reading course that will help you understand the prayers as well
Temple Sholom of Ontario is proud to announce we are once again offering:
Next session: Sunday August 14, 2022 @ 11:45am PT
Fourteenth Module: Kids
Fifteenth Module: Grief
This is the last class of this course.
Miller Intro to Judaism Program

If you're thinking of converting to Judaism: Completion of the Intro Program fulfills the learning requirements for conversion of the Rabbinical Assembly of America. Once you finish the course requirements and secure a sponsoring rabbi, you are eligible to become officially part of the Jewish People.
If you're already Jewish: Whether you were born Jewish but never quite learned what it’s all about, you’re back after a long hiatus, or you’re just looking for a deeper understanding of your heritage, most of us could use a bit of a refresher. Jews from all walks of life enroll in the program: from people who had a Jewish day school education to those whose strongest connection was the annual box of matza on the kitchen counter.
More details to follow. Please let us know if you're interested. Application is attached below or reply with request for more information
Minor Jewish holiday of love ❤️

Tu B'Av for Hebrew Year 5782 begins at sundown on Thursday, 11 August 2022 and ends at nightfall on Friday, 12 August 2022.
Tu B’Av (Hebrew: ט״ו באב, the fifteenth of the month Av) is a minor Jewish holiday. In modern-day Israel, it is celebrated as a holiday of love (חג האהבה Ḥag HaAhava). It has been said to be an auspicious day for weddings.
Family Sunday School/Learning Day
Sunday, August 28 @ 10am – 12pm

Temple Sholom of Ontario is planning a fun, education day on July 24 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at our synagogue. The program will include classes and activities for children and their parents. Rabbi Stephen (me) will be doing a special program for children over 11 and their parents. Two Sunday School teachers will be offering programs for children ages four to eleven to learn prayers, Bible stories, art, and a time for constructive play with other children. At approximately 11:30 am everyone will join together to enjoy a bagel brunch.

Please join us all for this special day. Any questions, contact me or Zoe Siegel at 909-985-7106.
We are updating our Mi Sheberach מי שברך list for those in need of healing. Please advise any changes. Thank you.
(Names will no longer be published to respect people's privacy).
*The titles in blue and underlined are "hyperlinks". If you click on any of those, it will lead to that site/URL. The hyperlink gives a descriptive title with the actual link embedded in that title. Anyone who is concerned about clicking a link or hyperlink can access any of these resources by going to my website, www.modernrabbistephen.com. You can find them in the "Blog" and "Videos" sections, as well as the "Instagram Links" by clicking on the various pictures.
